Having previewed an adidas Orignals for Originals upcoming release in the past, the designer is poised for another release for the ladies. The metallic gold upper is accessorized by a pair of soaring wings. Rumors state that a white colorway is also in the works. Stay tuned for more details on a release date.Via Hypebeast
For all thoes not hip to Jeremy Scott, let us give you all a liitle back story
Jeremy Scott is a Missouri-born fashion designer. He attended the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY for fashion design. Jeremy is best known for his outrageous and sometimes comical designs. After showing in Paris for several years in order to establish his name, he returned to the United States. His unique creations have been worn by celebrities including Paris Hilton, Kanye West[1], Lindsay Lohan, Björk, Robyn, Cameron Diaz, Christina Aguilera, Kylie Minogue, Madonna and his good friend Cory Kennedy. His designs incorporate unconventional looks, including one-legged pants. Jeremy was named number 31 in the Face’s ‘Most Important People in Fashion’ issue, ranking higher than Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney. He is also stylist for the band Fischerspooner.
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